

Meet the Teacher

What is the difference between a violin, viola, cello and a bass? 

Perhaps these videos will help. They show each instrument playing the same piece of music by J.S. Bach. Each instrument has its own unique technique and sound!
Double Bass

ses orchestrases band

Course Description

The Elementary String Program for Phoenixville Area School District is taught by two string educators, Stephanie Rue and Joseph Klapper. Students may join the string program in the 3rd grade and continue on through 4th and 5th Grade. Within this program we have two performing groups, The Beginner Orchestra, which consists of 1st year musicians (3rd Grade) and The Advanced Orchestra (4th and 5th Grades). During the first year of lessons students are taught how to build a healthy foundation in string playing. Emphasis is placed on proper technique, posture and basic note reading skills. In Beginner Orchestra they learn how to perform in a large ensemble, mostly performing monophonic compositions. In the 4th and 5th grades students build on this foundation, learning complex 1st position compositions, with a focus on tone, pitch, note reading and rhythmic accuracy. In Orchestra they begin performing multi-part compositions with dynamic variation. All students are given a thirty minute pull-out lesson once every six days of school as well as a  limited number of before school group rehearsals. String students perform two concerts a year, in front of both the schools they attend and an evening perform for their parents and community.

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