Phoenixville Area Early Learning Center
1 Phantom Way, Phoenixville, PA 19460
484-927-5450 (ph)
484-927-5390 (fax)
Click for directions:

Dr. Nikki Celotto, Principal Manvon and PAELC
Maureen Keegan, Assistant Principal Manavon and PAELC
Damon Wade, Assistant Principal Manavon and PAELC
Carolyn Lolli, Secretary
The Phoenixville Area Early Learning Center is a new, innovative school established as a Kindergarten through First Grade building for the 2017 school year. It is one of approximately 20 centers in Pennsylvania that provide a common location to begin the learning experience of young children. This program is designed to provide a structured and nurturing learning environment where each child can learn and practice the knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits associated with 21st century skills. Support teachers are available in all areas to further academic achievement and social development.
All children, who are 5 years of age by September 30th of the year they enter, are eligible to register for Kindergarten.
Parents need to provide:
- Proof of residency such as an agreement of sale or lease
- Certified birth certificate
- Record of immunization from doctor
MISSION: The Phoenixville Area Early Learning Center is built upon a solid foundation including:
- Curriculum focused on PA Standards in reading and mathematics
- Developmentally appropriate instruction and assessment for young students
- Effective teaching strategies
- Dedicated teachers
- Caring support staff
- Supportive Home and School Association
GOAL: To provide a structured learning environment where each child can practice and learn academic and social skills to the best of his/her ability.