Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Pushed Pin.png Arrival Procedures


  • Staff members will supervise students as they arrive between 8:40-8:55.
    • Lincoln Avenue Walkers:  Students enter the school campus at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and City Line Avenue, walk on the sidewalk through the administration building and the middle school and continue along the sidewalk around the middle school stopping at the sidewalk before crossing the bus loop lane.  At that point, a staff member will be waiting to escort students into school.
    • Pothouse Road Walkers:  Students enter the campus at the light on Pothouse Road.  A staff member will greet students at the crosswalk in the front of the building.
  • Students arriving after 8:55 will be considered late and will need to:
    • walk to the main front entrance independently
    • ring the bell at the main front entrance to be let in
    • report directly to the main office to sign in
  • All families should teach their children proper safety precautions when walking to school:
    • Stay on the designated route
    • Stay on sidewalks
    • Look both ways before crossing a street

Before Care:

  • Parents or guardians must park and escort their children to the exterior gymnasium doors
  • Parents cannot pull up to the front door when dropping off students early.
  • Parents or guardians will be greeted by a YMCA staff member.

Pushed Pin.png Dismissal Procedures


  • Lincoln Avenue Walkers:  A staff member will supervise students as they cross the bus loop to get to the middle school property.  From there, students will walk independently through the middle school and high school campus to their destination.
  • Pothouse Road Walkers: Staff member will collect the Pothouse Road walkers in the front main lobby. Staff member walks students across both crosswalks in the car loop to the sidewalk. The students walk the rest of the way independently.

•All families should teach their children proper safety precautions when walking from school:

  • Stay on the designated route
  • Stay on sidewalks
  • Look both ways before crossing a street

Car Rider Dismissal 

•Drivers enter the parking lot from Pothouse Road and stay to the right following signs to loop around to the car loop lane.
•Dismissal times for car riders will be staggered according to your child's last name. 
•Dismissal will begin at 3:30 and ends at approximately 4:00 p.m. 

Parents/Guardians should arrive in the car line during the designated times below.  
•Students whose last name ends with A-M will be dismissed from the gym beginning at 3:30
•Students whose last name ends with N-Z will be dismissed from the gym beginning at 3:35

•Students will be arriving to the gym at these designated times.  Parents/Guardians should be aware of the dismissal times for their child(ren) and should follow the times accordingly. If a parent/guardian arrives at the incorrect dismissal time, they will be asked to park in a space and return back to the car line at the appropriate time.  This is because the student/child will not be in the gym for dismissal until the designated time. 

•Please be aware of the staff members on duty. Staff members are working to make sure everyone is safe.  Please adhere to their directions and stay attentive while in the car rider line.  Parents/Guardians who are driving should not be on their cell phones when picking up their child. 

To expedite the dismissal process, we are asking all families to pick up their child and continue through the line quickly. If your child needs assistance buckling his/her seatbelt, please continue through the car line and then pull over to assist your child. This is not a time to chat with teachers and staff on duty or other families in the car line. 

•Families who plan to pick their child up by car every day must have a placard that will be provided by the main office 
o This placard will have a code on it that is assigned to your child(ren). 
o Display the placard on the passenger side of the dashboard. 
o Placards will only be provided to students who have indicated that their dismissal routine every day is “car rider”.

•Students who are not everyday car riders will not be given a placard. If you are picking up your child(ren) on occasion, please follow these steps:

1. Send a note to the teacher in advance indicating the change in dismissal procedures.  This note should include the child’s name, the name of the individual picking them up, and the date of the dismissal change.

2. Families can proceed through the car loop line and drivers will need to show a photo identification.  If the adult’s name does not match the name on the note, the adult will be asked to park and proceed to the main office to address the discrepancy.

Please Note:
  • Staff members cannot open or close car doors for students.  If your children cannot manage the car door independently, please exit your car and help your child into the car.
  • Drivers should not be on their cell phones during pick up in order to facilitate a safe and speedy dismissal.
  • Students can only enter a car if the car has reached the sidewalk area.  Staff members will direct drivers and students when to enter the car.
  • Drivers may not pass other cars

  • Bus Riders:

    • Students in Kindergarten and First Grade will be escorted to busses in a line, organized by bus number.  Second through Fifth Grade will walk independently to their bus. 
    • Staff members will check backpack tags to students board the appropriate bus
    • Safeties (5th grade Manavon students) will assist in monitoring the bus dismissal procedures.
    • Staff members will supervise the bus loop area as students board the buses.

    After Care:

    • Parents or guardians must park their car in a parking space and walk into the building to retrieve their child. 
    • Parents or guardians will be greeted by a YMCA staff member.
    • Drivers cannot pull up to the front door when picking up students


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